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Customer sign up

Please call 866-ZOVI-NAS (866-9684-627)

Customer sign up
(Name, address and telephone number MUST be entered exactly as it appears on your local telephone bill)
* Indicates required field
  Company Name (optional):
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): / /
* Street Address:
* City :
* State :
* Zip Code :
* BTN (Billing Telephone Number): - -
* Email Address:
* Your local phone company is:
How did you hear about us?
Enter up to three telephone numbers other than the home phone number (such as cell phones, fax, modem lines or additional voice lines) you would like to switch over to JEFTINI POZIVI:
  Additional phone number 1: - -
  Additional phone number 2: - -
  Additional phone number 3: - -
  Additional phone number 4: - -
  Additional phone number 5: - -
  Additional phone number 6: - -
  Additional phone number 7: - -
Yes, please switch me to JEFTINI POZIVI long distance
      (interLATA: state-to-state & International) service.


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