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Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ )

What is the name of the company that offers these plans?

  Jeftini Pozivi.

Is this service available in Canada , or another country?

  Yes, in Canada and Alaska via DIAL AROUND 800-709-3304.

The US telephone network, how it works?


In America , there are four different types of calls:
LOCAL CALL 0-15 miles ( the place you live in, and 15 miles around)
LOCAL TOLL – 15 miles from the place you live and to the border of your state
LONG DISTANCE – for calls out of your state
INTERNATIONAL LONG DISTANCE – calls outside United States


What are the prices for the country of my choice?

  Click here for all rates.

Which is the best plan for me?


It depends on the “plan” that you have with your local company ( SBC, Verizon, etc.,) and if you are using a cell phone:

1. If you already have a plan with another company for Local Calls + Local Toll + Long Distance, then you have to use the 800-709-3304 to make calls outside the United States known as INTERNATIONAL LONG DISTANCE CALLS .

2. If you have just a basic service with a local phone company, you can dial directly, for example:

State to State
1 414-555-4444

International calls (outside United States , for example, Beograd , Serbia )
011 38111+number you wish to call


Are we charged for the missed calls?

  No, you are not.

Do we pay a monthly service charge?

  No, you do not pay.

Are there any hidden fees?

  No, there are no hidden fees.

Is there a certain period of the day we have to make our calls?

  No, you can make calls whenever you want to.

How do we make international calls?

  By dialing 011

How do we make calls in the United States ?

  You dial 1+state+number.

How do we get our bills?

  You will get your bill for the calls made every month at the same time, through US postal service, between the 25th and 1st of the month.

How do we pay our bills?


With personal or business checks accompanied with the part of the statement that you get from us. Ordering service and activation


How can we order your service?


By calling 1-866-ZOVI-NAS (866-968-4627)

or, fill-in the online application form.


Is it obligatory to fill the application both for direct and indirect plans?


Yes, the registration is obligatory.


Do I have to inform my present long distance phone company that I am going to switch to your services?


No, unless you have a contract that obliges you to their service for a certain period of time.

If you do not have a contract, with your consent to use our services, our representative will make the necessary verification of your decision to switch to our services and that would be all.

How shall I know that my service was switched to direct dialing?


By dialing 1-700-555-4141 you will hear the message:
"Thank you for choosing JeftiniPozivi”.


What kind of numbers are 1-866- and are we billed for them?


The numbers 1-866 are the same like 1-800 toll free numbers, you will not be charged for those calls.


Which are the corresponding numbers for the letters in 1-866-ZOVI-NAS?




I still have questions to ask. What do I do?


Call 1-866-968-4627, or send us a message via internet, e-mail: info@JeftiniPozivi.com.

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